Transports for Star Trek: Attack Wing (WiP)

So, Attack Wing is one of the better games Star Trek has ever gotten. It’s far from the best simulation, but it certainly scratches the fleet maneuvers itch in a way that ACTA and FASA don’t. Plus it has all-canon ships, post TNG season 1 (where FASA stops) and Animated Series (where ACTA/SFB stop). Yes, its action economy is fucked, and yes, Secondary Weapons are broken. It’s still fun to play, unlike Star Fleet Battles, if you have more than one ship. And let’s be honest, FASA’s non-canon designs are by and large complete shit.
Update: now with 200% more pictures, so you can see what the fuck I’m talking about.

FASA Ambassador top

The FASA Ambassador, designed in the middle of the second season of TNG.

Hey, that doesn’t look so..

FASA Ambassador sideOh Lord. Kill it with fire.
But today’s post isn’t about FASA, nor ADB’s “LALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU” approach to game design. It’s about expanding Attack Wing a little.

Almost all of the STAW scenarios and OP events are based on episodes or movies. This is great if you’re a Federation player, but it eliminates many of the “classic” naval wargame scenarios. We only see a freighter in use a handful of times, for example, and a full-scale convoy attack is basically Right Out. Unless Worf needs to suffer, anyway..
One of the first problems you run up against while making freighters is the maneuver dial. Usually ships are either fast or extremely maneuverable, with Red maneuvers serving as a sort of half-assed choke on your Battleships turning like light cruisers. Freighters, on the other hand, are usually utter pigs. I realized a few days ago that the Mini-Clix dials I talked about in my Proxy Dials post would actually handle them fairly well, since they only have 12 slots.

My current test dial

My current test dial

This puts freighters at a nice, predictable 6″ average move. To put it another way, it’ll take about 5 turns of play (given a standard-sized board and set-up zones) to get a freighter off the other side of the map – or about 3 turns if you start in the middle. So, we’ve got their general piggishness and a basic parameter for the game length set out.

Cargo and Upgrades:
Thematically, Attack Wing is all about the upgrades. With that in mind, transports have a new Upgrade type: <cargo>. Some Cargo is free, others cost SP to field. If the ship successfully disengages as noted in the scenario, you gain extra Victory Points as noted on the card. If your opponent destroys or captures the ship, he gains the VP instead. The Convoy Attack scenario gives the Defender bonus points which must be spent on Transports or Cargo Upgrades (other Upgrades, if available, are paid out of your regular points allowance)

Captains with [Elite Talent] slots may not be assigned to a freighter. Nor may they be assigned any Admirals or Resource cards. Sorry, guys, they know as well as I do that’s a bad idea.

Current tentative cargoes:
Contraband – prevents attack cancelling, high VP award.
Grain – Tribbles are hilariously dangerous. Low VP.
Medical Supplies – “good guy” powers will leave you alone sometimes. Dice roll or Action? Average VP
Arms shipment – put a secondary weapon face-down under the card. Discard both during any Attack Step to attack with the weapon at Range 1-2, regardless of the Range printed on the card. Enemy gets the VP if you use it, High VP.
Q-Ship – Moderate SP cost. Adds AD and a shield.  No VP.
Bulk Goods – can discard to ignore a hit or crit, but the enemy gets VP for it. Low VP
Troop Ship – Add a “Boarding Party” to your ship for free, regardless of  the ship’s Upgrade limits. Instead of Discarding the Boarding Party, you Disable it instead. Average VP

All ships have a 90 degree forward arc unless otherwise specified. Most are in the “Light Cruiser” weight range, which means 1-2 Agility and ~3 Hull.

Bradford-class tug. 15 SP. 1A/1D/3H/2S; [cargo] x3. “Evasive Action” and “Battle Stations” actions. AKA “Ptolemy”-class. You may notice that this is basically a demilitarized Miranda-class. This is entirely deliberate.

The original, unfinished shooting minature of the Bradford

The original, unfinished shooting miniature of the Bradford

Antares-class drone freighter. 10SP. 0A/2D/2H/2S; [cargo]x1. “Evasive Action”. Special: This card can be used without a Captain, with an effective Skill of 1. Flip over any Critical Damage cards that reference injury to the Captain or crew, and ignore their effects. This ship always ejects the Warp Core in the case of a Warp Core Breach effect.

Ortho shot of the original Antares (there's also a Miranda-class variant of the same name)

Ortho shot of the original Antares (there’s also a Miranda-class variant of the same name)

Heavy Freighter: 22 SP. 2A/0D/3H/3S. [cargo] x2. “Cloak”, “Sensor Echo”, “Target Lock”, “Evasive Action”. 180* Forward arc, no rear. The White 2-Left Turn and 2-Right Turn maneuvers become a Red 3-Left and 3-Right  This is almost a warship. Almost.


Tuffli-Class Transport: 18 SP. 2/1/4/2; [cargo] x3. “Evasive Action”.

Not a Klink heavy frieghter

Not a Klink heavy frieghter. Totally. It’s, like, way bigger you guys.

“Hammerhead” Deep Space Frieghter: 10 SP. 0A/2D/1H/1S. [cargo] x1. “Evasive Action”. (this is Batris’ ship from TSFS).

Christopher Lloyd said blowing this sucker up was one of his favorite parts of his favorite role

Christopher Lloyd said blowing this sucker up was one of his favorite parts of his favorite role

For 5 SP, you can exchange any of the original Upgrade slots on a Marauder for a [cargo] slot.

Bajoran Medium Freighter. 15 SP. 1/1/2/3; [cargo] x2. “Evasive Action”.

Shot of the troop transport filming model courtesy of Drex and Greg Jein (used w/o permission and all that)

Shot of the troop transport filming model courtesy of Drex and Greg Jein (used w/o permission and all that)

You may notice that Wizkids  fucked up, and labeled the transport as a fighter. The Bajoran  fighter looks like this:

same source as above

same source as above

Dominion (Cardassian):
The Dominion can use the Tuffli-class, or the Bajoran Transport, without Faction Penalties.

Still working on a Romulan option.
I’m open to comments or suggestions, so let me know whatcha think.

Images used without permission for the Fair Use purpose of education and review.

Fast, cheap Flightpath proxy dials (Attack Wing, X-Wing)

So, the biggest and most irritating barrier to making your own ships or proxying in the Flightpath system is the maneuver dials. I have a whole shitload of ships that will likely never get a release, not to mention a bunch of Clix-Trek ships I bought for parts or other wargames. So, as I was sculpting my 1:1200 K’Vort Bird of prey this evening, my eye fell on a sad, abandoned Clix-trek base, and something clicked into place (if you’ll pardon the pun)..

Note: this tutorial does not include making “ship chips”/bases, nor making custom cards. Check the Boardgamegeek or afewmaneuvers sites for that. And for the love of pants, don’t try to drag these into an OP event or some such stupid shit.

Warning: This involves sharp things. You could get hurt. Be careful. Now you can’t sue. Have a nice day.

One two-inch “Clix” dial (needs to be the big ones with the secondary dial boxes, which I know they made for Mechwarrior and Crimson Skies Clix). Sadly, Clix-Trek bases only have 12 “slots” for maneuvers, whereas the large-format ones have the necessary 18. You can pick up minis from the Mechwarrior game for about a buck.
Colored paper (I used some 30-bond 3×5 cards I had lying around, since they came in faction colors).
Red, white or silver, black, and green pens. It helps if  the black is a small fiber-tipped micro pen. If you’re using black paper, you >must< use paint pens for this.
Craft knife
Compass cutter (I got mine from Daiso for $1.50)
Sandpaper or a sanding sponge.
Roll of cheapy cellophane tape.

Steps below the cut.

Battle of Sector 001 (Attack Wing AAR)

Took part in another Attack Wing tournament, this time for the Battle of Sector 001. Brought a Klink swarm build, which was a bad idea in retrospect (all the winning builds were 90-point juggernaught setups). This time I pulled the Vorta Vor, which means no matter what I pull in two weeks I’ll finally have either a Gavroche or a Saber (since I know someone who’s trading the Gavroche off)

Vor’ChA – class battlecruiser
-K’Nera (Disable crew on target or gain +1 attack dice)
– Photon Topedoes (Vor’ChA variant)
– Bu’kaH (Crew, discard to repair 2 damage)

K’T’ingA – class heavy cruiser
– Nu’daQ (Captain, converts a BS to a hit)

IKS Somraw – Raptor-class frigate
– Generic Captain
– Photon Torpedoes (Raptor variant)

IRW Vorta Vor
– Commander Charnavek (the one from “The Enterprise Incident”)
– Advanced Cloak (God I love this thing)
– Plasma Torpedoes

Counter-attack die (resource)

What I did Wrong
I assigned the wrong captains to the ships. I should have dropped K’Nera, and put a higher-skilled captain on the Raptor, or a Klink Advanced Weapon System on one of the cruisers. Swarm lists are just too vulnerable; I only need something that can survive three rounds of the hellfire the Borg drop.  Also, I dropped my 1-straight template while I was leaving the house.

What I did right
I didn’t foul any of my own ships, and did some amazing maneuvering. I even managed to tactically foul an enemy ship and then vaporize it with the Borg Cube (since it couldn’t use one of it’s bullshit “let’s stick Dominion, United Earth Space Service, Romulan, and Klingon cards on the same ship” combos). The Counter-attack die is amazing against the Borg cube once its adaptations start spiking, since they can’t defend the damage away. I managed to run down and kill a Borg Sphere, even if I lost that game by FIVE FUCKING POINTS (ahem). Incidentally, if your ships are worth less than 20 points, you actually gain Battle Points if they die and you can successfully kill the Cube or Sphere..
Bu’KaH saved my Vor’Cha twice in two games. More repair/shield repair cards, especially ones that act as a free action, could have kept me in the action and probably won the second game for me.
High-end fuckery with the Advanced Cloak made that little Warbird absolutely obscene.

What I’m doing Next Time
Really, this covers two different things. Next game will be Wolf 359 again..
Since the TO is no longer offering bonuses for making faction-pure fleets (the second prizes are now getting rolled for, which is bullshit but better than dealing with the drama “sportsmanship” prizes wind up causing), I think I’m going to put the Advanced Cloak on a Defiant for the next Battle of 001, and running a Defiant/Voyager build. As far as Wolf 359, however, the Klingon swarm actually ran quite well; I’m going to add a little more repair, and put Konmel (If ship is not cloaked, repair one shield) on the Raptor.

Although it’s damned tempting to take Superior Intellect and steal someone’s bullshit upgrades just to watch them burn. Once I have my Maquis fleet, my pretty..

Star Trek Attack Wing: Wolf 359 Battle Report

I was nervy as Hell going into this. I’ve played many a fighter combat system in my day, and I know Trek and its ships like the back of my hand, but I’d never played this game before. I’d only ever watched X-Wing once, but I learn fast.

When I arrived, I verified whether the T.O. had spare counters/rulers (he didn’t), and was forced to change my purchase plans. As I mentioned last post, I’d wanted to grab an Excelsior and a Defiant, plus a pack of dice, and do a quickie Federation swarm list. As the tournament was rewarding the top single-Faction list (instead of best Sportsman..), I wanted to keep it straight Feddie. Ultimately I bit the bullet and bought a base set and a Voyager expansion, because I knew it had some nice cards in it, and the Intrepid is sexy – even if I hate Jayneway. I made a fast two-ship Macross Missile Massacre list, christened the Intrepid as USS Death Blossom, and turned in my list.
My blind booster pull was the B’Moth*. Not a bad ship, but the only one I wanted less was the Jem’Hadar Bug.
*(Does anyone else find it weird that a ship that shows up for like 10 minutes in one episode wound up becoming a chase fig in Clix and a tournament-exclusive in AW? There are so many other K’ting’A in the canon..)

Full list and breakdown after the jump.


Star Trek Attack Wing: U.S.S. Saratoga Conversion/Repaint

As I mentioned over on the Tumblr, an unexpected windfall left me able to play in the Attack Wing tourney today; AAR next post. I spent last night painting up my Saratoga conversion. The original intent was to stick Ben Sisko in his Saratoga (played by the “Miranda-class” card), Clark Terrel in a generic Excelsior, and Sulu or a generic in the Defiant. Yeah, I know, about as anachronistic as you can get, but it was what I could get out of the cheapest possible setup for the tourney..

I was originally going to compare paint jobs by basecoat, then convert up the Sara and use the best. I wound up simply blazing through the conversion and paintjob to save time – a full photoset would have kept me up until the wee hours.
Top -> bottom:
Original Attack Wing mini
Stripped/black primed Heroclix with a grey basecoat and a magic wash
Untouched white-primered Heroclix

The white primejob was shit (and somehow repelling the ink, while the black one had no issues.) So I stripped, washed, and converted the white mini. The side extensions are taken from a 1:144 ERTL Space Shuttle kit – the “wings” are cut from the LANDSAT’s solar panels (the texture sisn’t show up, alas), and the wingtip scanners are built up from one of the payload bay lab’s instruments.
Incidentally, the first model I ever put together was one of those shuttles, back in ’88. I still remember the heady stench of oranges and the huge number of fingerprints on the finished model. Played it to death. I got ahold of a pair more recently when a hobby shop went out of business and converted them into mini-Leopard dropships for Battletech..
This pic was taken right after the first, very dilute, wash.


IMG_20140809_235752_087The final product. Paint job was slightly improved after these pics were taken, adding in the port-side running lights and cleaning up the dome/base of bridge paint-job


Img copyright Christie's: no challenge intended, displayed under the Fair Use doctrine for educational purposes.

Image copyright Christie’s: no challenge intended, displayed under the Fair Use doctrine for educational purposes.

Compare to the “official” model for Heroclix/Attack Wing, and the original Reliant. The Saratoga mini was a re-dress of this miniature.

My apologies for waiting so long to update.

I’ve been struggling to come to terms with a major change in my health, and several family tragedies of varying scope. I just haven’t had the resources, mental or physical, to deal with the net for a while.
Regardless, my Battletech project is ongoing. Johnny Clavell’s Rifleman is basecoated, and I’ve got the minis chosen and basecoated for the Haseks, Santander’s Killers, and the Black Widows. Pics when I’ve got something worth showing off.

I’ve also been drawn in by Star Trek Attack Wing. Why do I always have to fall in love with the unsupported games? :b
The system’s got flaws, most glaringly in its field-of-fire rules and blatant Federation favoritism (although I suspect that’s Paramount’s fault – I have a whooole rant on that that’s fodder for another post). Still, based on my playtests it runs fast and fun, and it’s nowhere near as shitty as the Clix game (nor as abandoned as ACTA..). Cash and time permitting, I should be able to get into the tournament the LGS is having in two weeks. Here’s hoping for a Saber and a Constellation
I’ve also been rebuilding/painting/mounting Clix models, and kitbashing some of the more obscure Feddie ships together for my own purposes. I also have a master-list of the Trek ships and the wargame systems which have rules for them, with some proxy suggestions. That goes up once I’m done transferring it from my meatspace clipboard and clean it up a little. Finally, I’m in the middle of a comparative photoset of two Miranda-class Light Cruisers, one basecoated black and one white. Intermediate steps will go up on my tumblr.

To sum up: Life has sucked recently, but I’m sick of letting that run my life. Time to start moving forward again.

Even if that will be on crutches for the foreseeable future.

Star Trek Ate My Blog Posts

ST:O ate me. Or rather, my new Romulan got me. Decided to do a non-Andorian pirate for a change, ran all the way though the mission tree in a week and called in over a dozen bugs (including 4 in the same mission).  Coliseum, man, the damned thing hasn’t been working since it dropped..

Not a bug, according to the GM

Not a bug, according to the GM

she'll cut you

She’ll cut you.

(yes, the Orion actually came in that outfit, and it was so ridiculous that I screencapped her. She’s in actual armor now..)


A Trill, three Andorian renegades, and a Jem’Hadar walk into a bar…

Does anyone else find it ironic that a huge chunk of the initial mission tree for Feddies and Romulans involves stopping the Tal Shi’ar from using Borg tech in their ships… and then a major goal of the endgame is to install those very Borg-tech modifications on your own ship?

Entirely legitimate armaments that in no way pose a threat to the entire Quadrant

Entirely legitimate armaments that in no way pose a threat to the entire Quadrant

Anyway, I’ve been busy being sick, fucking around on my assorted Elves In Space, and practicing my Carolignian script; Also, the British Library has been doing a bang-up job of actually digitizing their rare book collection. Beowulf is finally online, not to mention the Cutherbert – as I’ve previously mentioned, I’m working on copying both, and they’ve already eaten a few evenings on their own.

More Trek Ships

Not my best work with a brush. I hope the frigging hand cramps stop soon – this took almost two days to paint. This is, believe it or not, the same Klingon ship design as the Q’t’inga in the last post. First I sanded and cut off most of the decorations, then rebuilt the engines. All windows and pennants are freehanded, and the Eagle has some serious resculpt work on her. The (unpainted..) hex bases are for SFB/FASA STSCS gaming; I’ve actually got a flying base mold with a cut-out hex that I can magnetize and mount them on if I need to play ACTA.

SDC10002 SDC10003
Beauty shots. I misaligned the Eagle’s accelerator cannon by about 1mm, which is enormous at this scale ><. I am actually proud of her pennants, but the engines just make me cringe. On the K-7, you can see the phaser cannon mounts at the edge of the primary wings, although the “glow” effect in the main primary-hull tube isn’t visible.

Here’s that engine mod I was talking about. Cut straight in about 1/2mm along the mold line on the engine, then sawed at a very slight angle until the engine rods were the right width. Repeated on all four sides, then carved the rear of the engine into that nifty hexagonal shape.

SDC10009 SDC10013 SDC10017 SDC10019Kicking that old-school Klink emblem. Note the impulse engines on the K-7’s arse – painting them on looked far too crap.
On the Eagle, the source materiel (the Clans of Andor supplement for Last Unicorn Games-Trek, which is not technically canon but both the book and its author were used heavily by the Enterprise writing staff) states that the ship’s armament was heavily-upgraded at the expense of crew facilities and “luxury” power. I chose to add an accelerator cannon (basically, a warp coil that fires a tac-nuke at about Warp 4) and a neck-mounted torpedo room to foreshadow the Enterprise-class refit; it has twin forward tubes and a single aft one. The warp engine intercoolers are also slightly enlarged. About the only thing that’s canon on her is the registry number..

Next up: a third K7 for the Klingon squadron, a Larson-class destroyer and a Loknar-class light cruiser.
I’ll start in on Romulans sometime next week; I’m gunning for a full squadron of early Warbirds, 2 “Science vessels”, and at least one wing of K-7s plus some classic Birds-of-Prey.

And a Q’t’inga! (Star Trek, Models)

The destroyer is now marked, freehanded all, as “U.S.S. Draugr, NCC – 63[illegible]”. I also finished a Q’t’inga* cruiser, a Clix B’Moth that I painted loosely as Q’onoS Wa’ from Star Trek VI.  Paint job on this was a bit more involved, with a faint yellow wash over an OD Green basecoat, and antiqued gold/crimson highlights. I had to freehand the impulse engines, and added the engine rods on the really crappy warp nacelles. I also drilled the torpedo/disruptor cannon in the nose. There are windows on the neck, front of the secondary hull, and front of the primary, but unfortunately the camera box is washing it out when I use a black dropcloth. Will fiddle more with the settings over the next few days.


Her name is “Wam’dIj”

portside beauty stern
Currently on the desk are several more ships. There’s a much less ornate Q’t’inga* I’ve done up as a junior captain’s – carved and sanded off most of the battle honors on the hull – and I added in sculpted impulse engines and a little better detail on the nacelles. I also have a Constitution-class I’m doing up as the queen of the Andorian “Blue Fleet”; USS Eagle/Alirith, NCC-1719. Yes, I’m mixing LUG-Trek, FASA, and canon. No, you can’t stop me! :3
I’m also about halfway into sculpting a Larson-class destroyer escort (see here), possibly to be followed by several Loknar light cruisers and an Anton or two.

(*pronounced /k’?-tʰ?i-ŋə/, not /kə-tɪn-gə/ as I hear it waay too often. If this doesn’t make sense to you, I’m afraid I don’t have the microphone to assist you :/)

Shot-up Saladin (Star Trek, Painting)

I’ve been modeling and painting, as promised. Here’s my latest project – a shot-up Saladin-class destroyer. For those of you not familiar with her, the class (also known as the “Akula”, particularly in the Movie-Era refit) originates in the Franz Joseph technical manual. The Saladin’s readout appears briefly on-screen in a couple of the movies, making her technically canon.

Saladin-class destroyer, from Franz Joseph's "almost-canon" Star Fleet Technical Manual

Saladin-class destroyer, from Franz Joseph’s “almost-canon” Star Fleet Technical Manual

My version still needs plasma vents in the neck, the deflector dish, and of course some registry numbers. On the other hand, I fixed my camera and rigged up a slightly different iteration of the camera box, which seems to be treating me pretty well.
Saladin port shot

Saladin ass shot

Saladin Starboad shot

Saladin nose shotI might go back and tear up the port-side torpedo launcher (on the front of the “bridge island” on the saucer), but this is basically complete. Note the fires visible in the port and starboard views; she’s clearly still got a few SIFs online, but either a torp blew under the command decks, or she took a shot to the dome.

To create the “deck” effect I cut a loose, ragged edge with a vertical knife, then cut horizontally into it, tearing out small chunks and flaking apart the dish. The floating saucer section is held with a short length of florist’s wire. The base is made with JB Weld Kwik Wood, press-molded with a chunk of pumice, on a chessex hexbase and using a piece of clear sprue as a support (it enters a drilled hole in the saucer, very nearly at the balance point).

As far as paint, it’s a fairly simple five-coat job, with two layers of thinned grey primer followed by a heavy white drybrush, magic-wash, and a light white brush. Weathering is neon orange, with brown drybrushed over the blast areas followed by a dried-brush black stipple.

Personal Update

Been deeply occupied with Star Trek again of late – I can feel my obsessions shifting, which is always weird. I think I may watch DS9 again this month, or try to slog through some more Enterprise to see if I can stand it this time around. Of course, Robotech Tactics is probably going to devour my brain in three or four months, but that’s well within the borders of the Undiscovered Country.
Reactivated my ST:O characters (Andorian separatists, as if anyone cares) although I’m kind of remembering why I quit in the first place – too much grinding and not enough actual fun, the which I find primarily in space combat. I’ve dug out my FASA Trek Tactical Combat Simulator rules, ACTA Star Fleet, and even SFB (God help me..). It’s time to horse around with those new models I picked up.

Debating going down to the LGS and doing a test run/backdoor demo for ACTA next weekend. Lord knows ADB and Mongoose could use the help, even if the rules are currently completely up in the air and the basement-dwelling SFB trolls keep trying to tell the ADB devs what is or is not consistent with the Star Fleet Universe.
*Ahem*  [/rant]
Still looking forward to the revision, since I recall the Gorn being insanely broken.

On the movies front, I finally watched Pacific Rim, and it is frigging awesome. As an old-school kaiju-flick fan, there was just sooooo much to love. Yeah, it’s a little stupid and inconsistent in places, but I’ll forgive a lot for a movie that uses a container ship as a melee weapon. Let alone the number of shout-outs and references..

Home Again &c.

Back from my sister’s place. Acquired much miniature conversion fodder and Pokemon Y.
I now own 6 of the 11 total mini types created for Crimson Skies (too bad they still ignored 3 of the original 14 planes, but hey..), as well as a surprise bounty of 1990’s-era Star Trek Micro Machines – which used the same molds as many of the modern Star Trek Attack Wing and Clix models. It’s on. I’ve also got kitbashing materials for the DS9 Tech Manual/Star Fleet Tech Manual/Wolf 359 & Unification ship variants, not to mention the “Phoenix” variant of the Nebula-class. All I’m missing for the Feddies is a Miranda, an Enterprise Class/Constitution Refit (depending on what side of that particular divide you fall), and an Olympic – I imagine pretty much everything from First Contact is going to be pretty commonly available in the Clix sets.

Then it’s Klink time…

My Romulan fleet is actually in pretty good shape. Right now I’m also using several “modern” ships to proxy for stuff in ACTA Star Fleet. For example, the Romulan “Science Vessel” is a pretty decent Hawk, the “Old” BoP from Enterprise is an excellent Snipe or War Eagle (with the larger BoP then standing in for the King Eagle), and the KBoPs make great zipperhead Frigates for either side.

Anyway, I’m gonna go clean up and sleep. Tomorrow’s a busy day, but hopefully I’ll be able to get some photos together or something.

A Star Trek Theory (and some setting ideas for Trekkie GMs)

It should come as no surprise to anyone that I’m a Trekkie. I’ve had a lot of theories kicking around, but a thread on the teegees brought one of them to the fore. I’ve been meaning to elaborate on this for a while now, so why not take the time and do it today?
A note on “canon”: I consider the Star Trek MMO to be part of the canon where it doesn’t get particularly silly/contradict established works. Basically, the Battletech attitude towards the whole thing.

Anyway, I’ve always seen the various stories as being an in-‘verse document affected by the politics of the time. You can extract a lot about the state of the Federation by looking at the values and assumptions each series is pushing.

Earth dominates the Federation. American culture is still in the process of going down kicking and screaming; the Western Alliance made First Contact, and they seem to have parlayed that into a cultural dominance of the Earth government. The Vulcans are content to sit back and carefully manipulate the things that actually affect their culture, acting as a mysterious older brother to the younger hotheads. People like T’Pau and her house have tremendous influence on the Federation, but they’re clearly playing the long game. Hell, look at what Mirror Spock does, according to DS9 (manipulate the Terran Empire until becoming Emperor, engineering its collapse and eventual pseudo-redemption. Over generations..). Now, I’m not saying that Spock Prime is doing something similar just because of the mirror Spock’s actions, but.. well, read the rest of this, then think about it.
The Feds are expanding rapidly, have plenty of room to keep going, and right now they only marginally care who they piss off along the way. They’re also coming off of at least 4 brutal wars in quick succession. The Earth was still cleaning up the scars of the last World War when the Andorian War started, and the Federation conquered their first civilization. And, of course, the Vulcans stepped in again and integrated the hot-tempered Andorians and Humans into one Hell of a fighting arm. That would serve them well shortly. The first Klingon War showed the Feds that diplomacy doesn’t always work, and bloodied them against an Empire – not a handful of systems and one species standing up against a larger coalition force.
Then there’s the Romulan War. Many of the older Starfleet officers served, and the younger ones grew up, during it (E.G. Lt. Kyle and Lt. O’Reilly).  A faceless and relentless enemy who neither took nor left prisoners systematically nuked and leveled multiple colonies, and the Federation clearly gave as good as they got; it ended in a negotiated pseudo-peace that was still being constantly tested by both sides at least 5 generations later.
Individualist values and retro concepts of “manliness” rule the day. Freedom is the highest ideal. There’s a strong undercurrent of social justice and using power/lethal force responsibly, as well as symbolic exhortations to kill off your gods and serve the Federation. Robots get a lot of hate, but nowhere near as much as the “omnipotent energy beings” although the Organians could be responsible for that, rather than a deliberate attempt to encourage atheism.
The Animated Series shares most of its themes and assumptions with TOS, so I lump them together here.

The Movies (1-6):
These movies seem to be written after the Khittomer Treaty. The Federation is at a crossroads, deprived of the enemies they’ve faced for generations, and is forced to look within for the first time in a long time. These films “humanize” the Klingons, and tell a story of personal redemption and forgiveness of the Klingon people in the face of personal tragedy (with a healthy side of “there are some techs that it’s just not worth having”). Using a well-known warrior and highly-respected diplomat as the main characters make them even more effective. At the end, the old warriors and warships are put on the back burner after cleaning out reactionary elements in the Federation government. Notable for being the first Trek material with a non-Human/Vulcan President of the Federation, and for its subtle presentation of Starfleet’s military arm as a Human institution corrupted by their aggression and passions. Captain Spock is a noble voice for restraint and diplomacy, almost alone among the senior Captains and Admirals of the fleet. Hmm….

The Federation is running out of colonization room, and has just transitioned to a planned economy with police state elements (seemingly within the generation, at a minimum). The Feds haven’t faced a real war in three generations, and it fucking shows. Diplomacy, restraint, and non-interference are the order of the day. (The Cardassian war ended after a short time with a negotiated peace. This no doubt influences their view that the Federation has finally “grown beyond War”). Vulcan ideals of integration, non-violence, even vegetarianism are being pushed hard. The “great enemy” are Capitalists for the first few years, along with reactionary elements in the Federation government and internal corruption, via “alien worms in the stomach”. Worms who make you stronger, more energetic, yet push you into a violent and unstable state.. nah. Doesn’t remind me of anything.
The Vulcans – specifically, T’Pau’s family – quietly begin manipulating the Romulans into a state where they’ll be able to join the Federation, and the Klingons have entered a military alliance. The Feds wrap themselves in a security blanket of peace. The Borg rip it off and violently rape them in the space of a few DAYS. The Federation has to transition from a peacetime planned economy to a wartime footing against an utterly implacable, technologically superior foe they may not even be able to fight, something that pursues the ultimate Socialist ideal. Suddenly the enemies are all about insurgency (the police state is losing control), Fascism (the Cardassians make a great whipping boy for a socialist state, being family-oriented rather than class-oriented; they also show one of the possible paths emotionalism can lead your society down), and Implacable Threats From Beyond (that justify our military buildup and Your Ongoing Sacrifice).
There’s also the theme of personal morality trumping expedience, a strong “exitus non acta probatii” bent to the material, running counter to the otherwise Vulcan ideals of the series. Deliberate sabotage of the message?

Deep Space Nine:

The war memoirs of Jake Sisko. He’s working out his abandonment issues over the loss of his dad, the mutilation and growing insanity of his best friend, and the fundamental blow to the security of the Federation that a >real< interstellar war brings. Note that here Bajor is an idyll, rather than a nest of traitors and saboteurs as in TNG or Voyager; the tone of the series has great sympathy for the Maquis even as they aren’t whitewashed. It also shows the darker side of the Federation unflinchingly, and the way it affects civilians and military alike (Inter Arma, Silent Leges; Home Front; In the Pale Moonlight; For the Uniform…). It’s clearly written from a relatively neutral perspective, albeit one influenced by Cassidy Yates, Mike Eddington, and even Maj. Kira Nerys. Many senior Starfleet officers take a more sinister bent here: look at Adm. Nechayev and her cooperation with (leadership of?) Sec. 31. It’s clearly influenced by the paranoia of the Dominion war as well. Trusted allies suddenly betray the Feds, few people are what they seem, and a strong mystical undercurrent underlies the series; this is also one of the few times a specifically Deist view (rather than generic “spirituality”) is presented positively.

Jayneway’s testimony at her trial for crimes against the Federation. It’s clearly influenced by her batshit insanity and years of deprivation. But since she comes out of it the Admiral in charge of the Romulan Occupation Zone, I’d say she does a decent job of it.
(The “sudden” whiplash romance between Chakotay and 7 of 9 makes a lot more sense if you realize Jayneway’s completely delusional. “He totally lurved me until that alien hussy snapped him up right before we got back to Earth”. Yeah, sure, Cpt. Fraternization. Or he fell for her 5 years ago and you’ve been deliberately ignoring it for as long as possible.)

Riker’s T’Pol/Archer slashfic.

Movies 7-10:
The Federation has come out the other side of a long and horrible series of wars, and begins looking backwards once again. They rationalize the Borg conflicts, show continuity between the “Old Fleet” and the new Federation, and re-ignite the fires of suspicion against the Romulans even as they begin forcibly occupying their space. Again, there’s a push towards recognizing that certain research is dangerous (who wants to live forever, anyway?). The freedom-oriented Remans are repainted as demons, the Romulans a cowed populace subverted by the Feds in general and Vulcans in particular.

…does anyone else find it suspicious that the Romulans and Klingons are both brought down by massive explosions of heavenly bodies right next to their capital worlds, especially once movie 11 demonstrates that the Vulcans have the tech to make a frigging black hole? Let alone the potential of the Genesis device to just enter a matter=energy tranferrence cascade and not build a new planet afterwards…